Times & Prices

Opening times

You can find details about our actual official opening hours. The information of not only the Castle of Füzér, but also that of the Füzér Visitor Centre and the Country House Ports. Unexpected events, maintenance work and adverse weather factors may occur, so we reserve the right to change!

Picture of the day

Send us your photo of Füzér or the Castle of Füzér!

Ticket prices

Learn about the general and discounted ticket prices of Castle of Füzér, the Visitor Centre and the Country Houses! Our website always contains the latest gate tax data!

Csoport bejelentkezés

Osztálykirándulást szervez vagy kirándulna egy nagyot a barátai, családja, munkatársai társaságában? Füzér Vára minden korcsoport számára csodás élményeket nyújtó úti cél. Segítse munkánkat előre bejelentkezésével, hogy minden a lehető leggördülékenyebben menjen látogatásuk idején. Köszönjük!

Our events

Dates of future programmes and events of our castle. We also have several permanent events which are usually organized around major holidays. We are so glad that there is a lot of interest in these every year!

Access guide

Since Füzér is the northernmost settlement in Hungary, we can say that it is located far from everything. The way to get here is not easy but not impossible either! We will help you with this!

