Our Developments

REG-ÉLŐ Castle Phase II

The priority development element of the REG-ÉLŐ Castle tender is the 2nd reconstruction phase of the Upper Castle of Füzér, in addition to this, other project elements to be implemented, the expansion of the Castle Parking, and the establishment of a solar park and the design of the Hanging Garden of Castle Manor. These development elements have building permit and constitute separate investment costs.

Upper Castle

During the 2nd stage of the reconstruction of the Upper Castle of Füzér, the REG-ÉLŐ CASTLE will be expanded with an additional exhibition. The Scrivener’s House on the ground floor a Paper Dipping Workshop will also be suitable for crafting 17th century paper and other paper-based products.

  • In the room of the Scrivener’s House a room that interactively demonstrates the lifestyle of the governor will be created.
  • In the closed castle garden of the Upper Castle, built around a working fountain, a Renaissance garden presentation awaits the visitors.
  • The Kitchen uses period tools to show the whole process of medieval food preparation, from the preparation of food to cooking and serving.
  • In a reconstructed oven in the Oven house, you can make real bread, bread rolls and pretzels with the help of animators and cooperating businesses working in the castle.
  • In the vinegar-house, herbal processing, hidden vinegar production background, vinegar making, cheese making, herbarium interactive showroom will be established.
  • Soldiers’ houses show the location of the everyday life of the castle guard.
  • The reconstruction of the castle protection system is realized by the construction of the patrol paths next to the castle wall. 

Perspective drawings

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Castle of Füzér Phase II perspective drawings

  • In the Rimay House, a room showing the life of János Rimay will be established.
  • Visitors can watch a 3D animated film in the projection room exhibited in the wet cellar.
  • Star trail observatory in the attic of the Castle Chapel. The Upper Castle exhibition will be expanded with a scientific presentation of the Milky Way and an animation programme.
  • In connection with the existing attraction in the Lower Castle of Füzér, a café room will be created, and the finds of archaeological excavations of recent years are also presented here.
  • On the stage of the Castle Court it will be possible to present performances, concerts and traditional shows.

Hanging garden development and experience elements

In connection with the implementation of family- and child-friendly project elements, the former fish ponds of the Castle and an imposing hanging garden will also be created, and a themed playing area will be located in a forest environment based on the saga of Fehérlófia. The experience elements include a tale-swing, sandpit, obstacle path, hamster wheel, carousel and wire cableway for the visitors of the game garden.


A projekt keretében kiemelt figyelmet szentelünk a megújuló energia hasznosítására, ezért napelemparkot alakítunk ki alternatív energiaforrásként. Megújuló energia használatával a vár és a hozzá kapcsolódó létesítmények gazdaságos üzemeltetését és hosszú távú fenntarthatóságát biztosítjuk.

Swing perspective drawing

Solar Park

Within the framework of the project we pay special attention to the utilization of renewable energy, so we are developing a solar park as an alternative energy source. With the use of renewable energy, we ensure the economical operation and long-term sustainability of the castle and its related facilities.

Castle parking lot plan, top view

Fehérlófia and Griffin statue plan

Preparation for the restoration and reconstruction of the castle spans 104 years of work. Archive research, archaeological excavation, historical, artistic, architectural research, architectural and interior design plans (17 final building permits), as well as the plans of the exhibition and equipment program and tourism exploitation of the castle refer to the work carried out.

About the program Gergely Buzás said the following at the jury of the National Monument Planning Council discussing the plans of Castle of Füzér:

“This recovery program is the best, if not the only means to ensure the survival, regular maintenance, continuous access to and widespread social appreciation of the castle. Unfortunately, these practical aspects have been sinfully looked down on and neglected by the Hungarian monument conservation for decades, but we can now see that this omission, or rather arrogance, has caused critical consequences for the protection of the historical monument. Therefore, I believe that the inventive, sensitive, maximally respectful recovery plan utilizing the results of scientific research, taking into account both the physical and social requirements of the monument protection and being aesthetically of high quality, well-suited to the natural environment, which is now in front of us. In today’s situation of historic preservation, it is more than a restoration plan among others; this is the promise of the rebirth of Hungarian historic preservation.”

As a result of the new attraction elements and services based on the developments so far but clearly separated from them, the visitor can obtain experiences in a period environment. By creating interactive, authentic, unique tools, experience elements and products, the implementation of permanent and periodic programs and symbolic events, our central goal is to bring the atmosphere of the castle in the 17th century to life. Thus, a uniquely distinctive tourism profile which is well-distinguishable from competitors and is fitting well into the network of the Association of Upper Hungarian Castles, “REG-ÉLŐ” castle will be formed. In the National Palace and Castle Programme, its uniqueness is based on “making the castle live”.

Our goal is that the revival of the castle leads the life of the village of Füzér and its inhabitants on the path of ascension and the strengthening of communities. The direct job creation of 3 people, the numerous indirect jobs created and maintained the beneficial economic impact of tourism and the increase in the marketing of local products will also have an impact on the region of Hegyköz and Zemplén, as well as on the retention of 17 jobs in the current operating organisation. The program of our castle will preserve and proclaim the novels, fables, legends, tales of the castle and the Hungarians in an unparalleled historical and natural environment.

The development will offer truly unique interactive animated programmes, interpretation and visitor management enhancements, which can provide a lasting experience for all age groups – family holidaymakers, childless couples, empty nesters, younger age groups, school-age groups; older and retired age groups, middle-aged couples.

New spectacular electronic tools will be developed to provide a unique experience for different age and target groups – cultural tourism participants, visitors with primary cultural motivation, eco- and active tourists – cyclists -, intensively linked to the previous digital content: a new interactive virtual tourable educational space will be developed, the castle inventory will be created by hand, the virtual knowledge base will be a tool for acquiring historical knowledge. For school groups, a separate animator text, museum pedagogy is prepared.

The programme may take the form of a consortium. Consortium leader: NÖF Kft. ; Members receiving consortium support — Castle Guardian: Füzér Castle Guardianship; Consortium member: Municipality of Füzér.

Füzér Castle is the designated development site of the National Palace and Castle Programme under the property management of the Hungarian National Asset National Management Zrt., and in the operation of the local government (Consortium Member) institution of the Füzér Municipality, the Füzér Castle Guardianship. To further develop the castle, according to the call for proposals, a consortium was founded under the leadership of the Forster Gyula National Heritage and Wealth Management Centre (Consortium Leader) — which was terminated by the government by succession on 31 December 2016 pursuant to the Government  Decree 378/2016 (XII.2.) on the legal succession of central government departments and budgetary institutions serving in the budgetary organization, as well as on the receipt of certain public tasks. From 1 January 2017, its tasks will be performed by the Prime Minister’s Office, the Hungarian Academy of Arts and the Budavár Real Estate Development and Operation Non-profit Ltd. – accordingly, the consortium has been re-contracted with its successor, the Budavár Real Estate Development and Operation Non-profit Ltd. and the National Heritage Protection and Development Non-profit Ltd.

